Wednesday 1 April 2009

Various Artists - A Psychedelic Guide To Monsterism Island

(AU magazine, April 2009)

Album review


The unusual imaginings of Welsh artist Pete Fowler will be nothing new to fans of his work, but in case you're none the wiser, here it is: illustrator and, most tellingly "creator of monsters", Fowler makes beautifully drawn creatures who inhabit Monsterism Island, a mythical place where the strange is every day. Who wouldn't want to take a look?
This is the second collection of Monsterism Island's hit, and it is awash with quality musicians - the Super Furries' Gruff Rhys and Jeffrey Dammers from The Specials being the most noteworthy - and soundscapes of the bizarre.
From the waves crashing on the shore in 'Rum Cove' to the holiday atmosphere of 'Final Froog' and the gentle electronica of 'Crystal Hermitage', it forms the magical narrative backdrop for a truly interesting and enchanting trip.

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