Sunday, 31 January 2010

Ocean Colour Scene - Saturday

(Morning Star, January 31, 2010)

Album review
Ocean Colour Scene try their best to disprove Darwinian theory. They have spent decades refusing to evolve from their Dadrock inception, steadfastly swimming against the modernity of the chart tide, and yet here they still stand.
Saturday kicks off like a slice of The Who circa 1968 - stacked with catchy hooks and Simon Fowler's unmistakable bluesy roar - but there's no resonant sound of a fantastic leap ahead from What Once Was.
Opener 100 Floors Of Perception starts: "100 Mile High City falling to the floor," perhaps intended to signify a farewell to the old by demolishing one of OCS's big hits, but there's no ruination of the old guard here.
From the Seahorse-esque Mrs Maylie to the lyrically Kinks-inspired Village Life, OCS are forever flogging the rotten corpse of Dadrock in the hope that they'll live on. Nothing lasts forever, guys.

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