(Morning Star, Saturday 05 February 2005)
ALBUM: Rooster - Rooster
(Brightside Recordings)
THE buzz that surrounds Rooster is something of a pop circus - the new Busted, the new McFly - they have all the appropriate tags from neophiliac style-mongers.
Whether that's a blessing or a one-way ticket to the Woolies bargain bin remains to be seen.
This debut opens with Joy Ride, a track with a nu-country influence and shot through with the ghost of Reef.
In fact, those West Country Britpop also-rans are a heavy influence throughout the record and this is never more clear than on debut single Come Get Some.
It's all catchy guitars and singability for the Smash Hits readers and a great rock riff that you've heard somewhere before.
Standing In Line has something of the 1980s rock earnestness about it and belies Rooster's slower side which, if we're honest, isn't terrific.
Soaked in chugging guitars, it all owes more to '80s rock gods than the Busted-McFly axis and the overall impression is that Rooster love their rock influences.
It is the Chinese year of the rooster, but will it be the year of Rooster? If they're happy settling for a teenage fanbase, chances are good.
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