(Morning Star, Friday 16 March 2007)
ALBUM: The Gossip - Standing In The Way Of Control
AS tabloid fodder goes, the Gossip's Beth Ditto is up there with the best. She has been labelled a "fat lesbian," but the Arkansas native actually has a lot more to her than that.
She cuts an erudite, intelligent swathe through other US government botherers and has certainly paid her dues before coming to this, what people are calling The Gossip's "success."
So, after all that, the music better be pretty good and - sigh with relief - it is.
Mostly because Ditto's pipes can adequately cover any style, from bellicose liberal rant to gentle lover's croon.
Surprisingly, much of Standing in the Way of Control is a lament for love, for society and for the lack of a perfect life, but not an outraged rant.
Standing in the Way of Control, the single, is the highest tempo track on here, but songs such as Holy Water and Dark Lines showcase a softer, more sensuous sound which gives The Gossip a roundedness which often eludes their garage punk peers.
Ditto's social activism may spook the coy and it would be fair enough to fear that her self-righteous indignation might bleach out all the soul from the music, but doubters should be ready for a surprise.
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